Homepage – Service Search – 7.jpg

Redesigning Opporty’s Marketplace

Opporty is a tech company that inspires to innovate in blockchain transactions and connect people with services of all kinds through their online Marketplace.

My Role: UX Researcher & Strategist
Methodologies: heuristic evaluation, stakeholder interviews, user interviews, usability testing, sketching, and rapid prototyping.
Team &Duration: I was joined by two UX and a UI designer for this 3 month contract.


  • Increase user acquisition.

  • Improve the platform’s navigation experience.

  • Concept test new features that support the company's social impact initiatives.


  • Through our research we created a prototype and new user flow informed by a user-centric approach.

  • Designed a “Social Impact” badge to convey the company’s core values.

  • Following the key findings from our user research, we added a “Favorite” feature to assist with searching the Marketplace.

Step 1: Discovery Research -Opporty’s Marketplace

Driving towards a deep understanding of Opporty’s goals and a benchmark for Marketplace’s current user experience.

These are the steps we took during the discovery phase to acquaint ourselves with Opporty and its platform.


Here are a couple of screens from the final presentation of the Heuristic Evaluation.

Marketplace - Heuristic Evaluation .jpg
Marketplace - Heuristic Evaluation  (1).jpg

Gather data about how easily users can navigate the existing Opporty Marketplace beta platform

Step 2:  User Experience Research - Round One

In-depth Interviews & Usability Testing

As the most experienced researcher in the group, I guided the discussion and provided moderator tips, such as ways to avoid leading questions and listen for opportunities for follow-up questions. Together, we created a detailed interview guide and a usability test guide.


During the Interviews, we focused on gathering general information about: 

  • How do people search for services?

  • What is the thought process they go through during this search?

  • Does social impact play a part in the users’ choice?

  • What level of familiarity do users have with cryptocurrencies?   

During the Usability Test, we asked participants to:

  • Think-aloud, vocalize their thought process 

  • Tell us what their initial observations are, what do they think this site is about

  • Complete several tasks, including look for a specific service and using the filters.

None of it makes sense to, none of it... Like, what am I trying to do? It doesn’t tell me what I should do here.
— Lori
I’m very confused here because it seems like there’re many company logos, but I don’t know what the company does.
— Jingyu

Key Findings

  • Users prefer using desktop devices while performing complex tasks, such as an in-depth search.

  • During the process of hiring a professional, users value price, reviews, and examples of work. 

  • Social Impact is an added value and a plus to the company, but not something the user necessarily looks for.

  • An overwhelming majority of users were not familiar with the terms Blockchain and cryptocurrency, when explained, they had an idea of what it’s but were reluctant to use it. 

  • A majority of users found the beta platform confusing, the Value Proposition and Call To Action are unclear and misleading.

  • 80% of users found it challenging to complete the tasks and navigate the Marketplace without assistance.

Step 3: Research Synthesis

Navigating the findings and visualizing the data to find meaning and design direction

We followed the discovery and user research with a process of gathering our findings and synthesizing them into deliverables to help us with the design process, as well as brainstorming sessions discussing the main pain points to focus on, revising the scope of this project, and what KPI’s we’re looking to improve.

Quantitative Result Summary 

In addition to the qualitative representation of the results in the affinity map, we gathered the results of the usability test in a quantitative method to present the stakeholder with numbers that can be improved. 

 Affinity Diagram

We used this method to bundle together the mixed-data we gathered so far into categories and find commonalities, to center the design around the main pain points.



We imagined our target user based on the data we gathered through research and information we collected during our interviews with Sergey, the company’s CEO.


Journey Map

Sarah, an entrepreneur, is interested in applying for patents and is searching for a specialized lawyer to assist her. She came by Opporty during her pursuit and tried to use their Marketplace.

Step 4: Design Decisions &
The Ideation Process

We began the ideation process by collaboratively creating a user flow and user journey. We prioritized design decisions and elements we decided to focus on, and do a sketching brainstorm session.

 Key Design Decisions

  1. We went with a mobile adaptable desktop version of the site given that most users we interviewed preferred using their computer for complex tasks like looking for a service.

  2. We learned that there are two types of users, those that are accustomed to use search bars and those who prefer browsing. So we decided to implement this in our design and have two methods to search: (1) use a search bar, (2) choose from popular categories.

  3. Simplify and align the filtering system to fit UX standards and current best practices.

  4. Prominently feature reviews, work experience, and social impact
    (if applicable) on the listing pages.

  5.  We learned from the usability tests that people wanted to come back to items they have already checked, so we decided to add a favorite feature.

 Opporty Marketplace Buyer User Journey

The flow chart conceptualizes the “Happy Path” of how the user finds Opporty’s Marketplace and navigates the site to find a patent lawyer.


 Sketching Brainstorm Session

We each took time to sketch a few options for each page we planned to design, and then voted on the features we liked from each of the sketches.

Step 5: Wireframes &
Low-Fidelity Prototype 

Following our design decisions and sketching session, we used Adobe XD to rapidly create our first prototype.

 The Social Impact Challenge

At this point, our team was given a new directive from the CEO. The scope had been widened to include designs for a new way to highlight the businesses of minorities and disadvantaged groups on the platform. 

We had lengthy deliberations within our team, regarding the complications and implications of choosing specific groups over others and the sensitive political and legal issues, as we anticipated that problems would arise in the future. 

I presented the team with the idea of adding a freeform description social impact section to the businesses' profile page that, if filled, will add a Social Impact badge to the services they offer. This idea minimizes Opporty's role in defining Social Impact and allows the users to connect with companies that they relate to.

The solution was accepted by the stakeholder and implemented into the design. 


Step 6:  User Experience Research - Round Two

Comparing findings with the first round of user testing

We took the learnings from the first usability test, iterated new designs, and returned to test, using the same tasks so that data could more easily be compared.

 We Asked Participants To:

  • Think-aloud, vocalize their thought process 

  • Tell us what their initial observations are, what do they think
    this site is about.

  • Complete several tasks including look for a specific service, and using the filters.

Key Findings

  • 100% of the participants understood the website’s Value Proposition and Call To Action, in comparison to the 20% from the first test.

  • All of the participants were able to complete the tasks and navigate the Marketplace without assistance. In the first usability test, only one participant completed the task on their own.


Step 7: High-Fidelity Prototype 

We iterated on the design based the user research and feedback from the stakeholders, and created a high-fidelity prototype


Explore our prototype by clicking the image